Well, I beat the cancer as anyone who has been following this blog will know and went on to talk of many things….”of ships and seas ’n sealing wax”…whatever took my fancy…I commented a lot on political stuff because politics in this country (’n I suspect around the world) is absurdity in action…
I’ve met a lot of diosenchanted souls that claim ‘it doesn’t matter who gets elected, they’re all corrupt’….’n there is truth in that statement, at least to a degree…BUT like Diogenes searching the world for an honest man, I stubbornly hang on the belief that I got hooked on after watching the late, great Frank Capra’s classic movie, Mr Smith goes to Washington…somewhere, sometime, there must be an honest man in politics, someone who is not in it just for the power and wealth that can be amassed by ‘screwing the pooch’ …the pooch, of course, being us, the American public…
I don’t know what kind of POTUS Donald Trump will make…I kind’a somewhat believe that the office just might make the man and he really could go down in history as the man who saved the republic…I’d like to believe that…I really would…and certainly not for the sake of Donald Trump but for the sake of the republic..”My country, t’is of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing…” Silly, ain’t it…but I believe in it…all the sappy stuff that cynical people make fun of…
Hellfire and damnation (quoting Manuel Smith here) that’s the way I was raised…
I do know that Hillary and the democrat party are intent on the destruction of the America I love…I’m not sure why…hard to believe that they’re all so intent on lining their own pockets that they don’t give a damn about everyone else…
I think, I hope, that the working people of this country will take over the republican party, hold elected officials accountable for what they do…for what they’ve done…
Y’see, I believe in the United States…I believe in justice for all…
I think it was an ancestor of mine (p’haps, p’haps not)…a fellow named John Addams who, on is dying bed, is reputed to have asked about health of Thomas Jefferson and when told that Jefferson was still alive, remarked that the republic was still safe….or words to that effect…..
anyhow, if I’ve bored anyone, I apologize…if you find my remarks interesting or trite or whatever you may think of them, if you’ve got this far, I’m thankful for that…
Got some personal stuff that we’re working through here but I will post again…God willing and the crick don’t rise……..have a good day, Justin Other Smith