Mark Twain
Todd Akin is a misogynistic asshole. And his public statements further define himself as at least a borderline idiot.
That said, defining his statements as some kind of Republican tenet is unwarranted and unconscionable and simply demonstrates the bigotry ('n I wuz gonna say Democrats) when it dawned on me that I wuz being guilty of the same darn thing…so, I'm gonna take a moment to apologize to my Democrat friends (at least, I hope they're still my friends)…
Y'see, at one time, I wuz a Democrat…'n I wuz proud of being a Democrat…I use'ta say, "I wuz born a Democrat in a Democrat county in a Democrat State (Ky) 'n I fully expected to live out my life as a Democrat."
But then, the 'Progressive Democrat' entered from Stage Left 'n the Democrat Party 'n me began to drift apart…I didn't pay a lot of attention at first 'cuz like most working Americans, I wuz just too darn busy with staying employed 'n paying bills 'n raising a family 'n then I raised my head 'n looked around 'n realized that the world wuz evidently passing me by 'n that most of the people that I'd been voting for had (to steal an old phrase) 'sold me down the river'….
Anyways, after a great deal of thought, in the late '90's, I re-registered as a Republican so's I could vote for McCain in the California primary…'n I been a Republican ever' since…
Now, my good buddy 'Pig' Phillips wuz profoundly disgusted to find out that I had become a Republican 'n even went so far as to denounce me to his Mother as an Atheist…
'Course, at the time, Pig wuz agonizing over the fact that, as a Democrat, he might be forced to vote for a woman but that's another story…..
Anyway, Todd Akins misogynistic view of women is no more representative of the Republican party than it is of the male gender entirely. And while males as a whole may at times appear to be knuckle-dragging Neanderthals whose primary function is to take out the garbage, we do have a purpose in this life (even if we have trouble expressing it)….
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