"Why not live in the moment, especially if it has a good beat!" Goldie Hawn
That's my daddy's Stetson hat 'n I almost never wear it outside the house…I like hats but mostly I wear ball caps…I got 'way too many of 'em, ain't quite sure why…I s'pect that there're a lot of guys that have the same problem…I think maybe they're like wire hangers that breed indiscriminately when you leave 'em in a dark closet too long…I s'pose I c'd give 'em away but who the yuck 'ud want 'em puzzles me...
I keep takin' various 'n sundry pics of m'self wearing different hats 'n caps 'n I ain't got any excuse for it…I don't know why I didn't have more pics taken back in the day….
In my teens, I use'ta be camera-shy but for the life of me, I can't remember why…'course, now, just remembering that I wuz camera-shy is an achievement of some kind….
I do love lookin' at old pics now, howsumever…unfortunately, there ain't a whole lot of me…or maybe, fortunately there ain't a whole lot of me….
My first car, which I never, ever took a picture of, wuz a 1947 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coupe like this one but blue (on a side note, I later had a green '46)…but the blue one wuz fun…darn near lived in it during the summer of '55 ('n almost run the tires off it)…My dad paid $125. for it…don't sound like a lot of money now, but back then it wuz hard t'come by…he sold the car when I joined the USAF 'n got his money back…I often wondered about whoever bought that little car 'cuz I durn near run the wheels off it...

I recall listening to the Ky Derby on the car radio 'n wishing I'd bet on Swaps…'course, I don't think I would have really known how to go about placing a bet at that time….Seventeen ain't the brightest age for a guy….tell the truth, I don't think I got a whole lot brighter over the years but one thing I learned is if you're gonna bet on the horses, stay at the $2 window, it's cheaper….
I learned a lot more about the pitfalls of gambling in the USAF….I learned how to roll dice on a blanket in Wyoming (bad idea) 'n I learned about slot machines in the Airmen's Clubs in the Pacific (also a bad idea)…I learned that the people who always seem to win just know how to cheat better than others (true in life as well as games of chance)…I also learned that gambling is the surest way to get nothing for something….That old saying about 'Cheaters never win' depends an awful lot on who's keeping score...
Seems like an awful lot of people do keep score, lotta grudges going…understandable for kids but you'd think that people who reach adult status 'ud know better but t'ain't so…
A lot of people claim that they don't keep score, totally immaterial to them who wins or who loses…..less'n of course, it's them 'n then the rule changes 'cause nobody plays to lose…
"If you live long enuff, you figure out that it ain't about winning or losing, it's all about the game itself!"
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