Anyway, it's a beautiful Spring day here in Ol Fair Oaks (feels kind'a like June in Ky) so I tho't I'd do a little yard work (key word: little)…I have a tendency to walk around the yard snipping here, picking up there, 'n in general getting next to nuthin' done so t'day, I said to m'self, "Just stick with the little patch of front yard 'til it's done."
Surprising how tiring raking can become in such a short time but being a professional piddler means that I c'n take as long as I want since I ain't paying me by the hour anyway…(if I wuz, I sure wudn't hire me)…
Following my standard practice of periods of work interspersed by rest periods until they begin to balance each other timewise, I managed to rake up all but the most ingrained stuff 'n pick up most of what I've raked…the rest'll have to wait until tomorrow…at least, that's my plan 'n as my sainted Momma use'ta say, quoting a one-time teacher, "Everybody needs a plan, Fritzi!"
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