"Work expands to fill the time available for its completion; the thing t'be done swells in perceived importance 'n complexity in a direct ratio with the time t'be spent in its completion." Parkinsons Law
Yest'iday it got t'be a hunnerd 'n ten degrees or maybe a little more.....plainly speaking, it wuz just 'too darn hot.....me 'n da boyz (all four of 'em including the two little weiner dogs) laid around all day...I sucked down umpteen bottles of water, a can of diet soda 'n three dos Equis....'n I can't even remember how many times I had to refill the water dishes for da boyz.....I'm tellin' ya, it wuz too darn hot.....'n I had the very devil of a time trying to post anything....now, it could'a been the computer or it might'a been.....ah heck! it wuz just too darn hot 'n the computer might not have wanted to play or more'n likely it wuz just me hitting the wrong buttons as usual....anyhow, da boyz were sprawled around the house whiles't I spent most of the evening kicked back in the new red recliner (that's just the least bit too small for me) watching old movies....then, I didn't want to get up this morning 'cuz the delta breeze slipped in durning the o'nite hours 'n it wuz a good morning for sleeping.....unfortunately for me, dogs just don't care about stuff like that (prob'y becuz they flop down 'n sleep whenever they feel like it) so I had to get up 'n take 'em out...all four of 'em at the same time for that morning call of nature....when I walk 'em during the day 'n evening, we go two at a time 'cuz they're pert near impossible to handle otherwise (guess I cudn't even qualify as a dog-walker these daze)...
It wuz a good mornin' howsumever....I jumped in the 150 'n hightailed it over the river 'n thru the traffic to Costco where I mortgaged the farm 'n replenished the water 'n dog food along with a big bottle of aspirin, dragged the loot back home, unloaded 'n set off ag'in, this time in the Matrix for O'vale where I made the requisite stop at Custer Ave before heading for Winco (sliced turkey, rye bread, chips 'n more dos Equis) then back to the homestead to spread a little cheer among the plant family before walking da boyz.....I'll tell'ya, getting old ain't for wusses...
"A pickup truck 'n a dog, can't ask for much more'n that....well, maybe two dogs." Justin Other Smith

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