Ahh…the late August Doldrums…
basically come around every year like unwanted birthdays….when I wuz a boy in Beattyville, folks called it The Dog Days of August but it wuz really the doldrums…it’s a period of long, slow, hot days when y’know that the cooling days of Autumn are just around the corner’n you can almost feel ‘em…but, not quite…d’ya know what I mean?

It’s that time of summer when it’s too late to make any plans to go off ’n do anything…that raft that you were gonna build…you know, the one you wanted to float downriver on….It’s too late….same for the treehouse that you just never quite got around to…now, it’s too late…pretty much worn out on baseball ’n too durn hot for basketball…AND way too hot for football…creek’s too low to even cool your feet ’n apples not big enuff to steal…prob’ly a good thing we didn’t have teevee back then, it’ud all been re-runs ’n just one more thing to grouch about…
That old river is lookin’ kind’a peaked, low ’n slow but still muddy as sin….hay is pretty much cut tho’ ’n if you go barefoot, the stubble hurts your feet…s’almost time for some new school clothes tho’….new jeans, new tennis shoes, couple shirts ’n a jacket…you know it’s the doldrums when you’re kind’a looking forward to school starting….
Life today is a little different…school has already started for a lot of kids…seems like they pretty much go to school year ‘round now ‘cept every time you turn around, they have some kind of holiday…I don’t even try ’n keep up with them anymore…don’t suppose I could even if I did try….seems like most of the highschool girls of today spend the last few days before school starts in bleaching ’n dyeing their hair…lots of blues ’n greens ’n pinks….I dunno, maybe the boys do the same things…I have only two granddaughters ’n they’re getting awful close to the end…junior ’n senior ’n I swear I don’t know where the time went….
Too soon old ’n too late smart, I guess….’n I still ain’t sure about that smart part of it…I maybe missed out on that also…..
You should thank God for wine ’n beer, they’re constant proof that He loves us ’n wants us to be happy.
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