I wuz readin' the Letters to the Editor this morning 'n I got to thinkin' that them non-deplorable liberals are a pretty epithetic bunch...
Racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic (fear of foreign or strange)…I just tho’t I’d throw that definition in there because I’m not awfully sure that those who use it the most often (progressive liberals) actually know what it means…I only say that because I’ve heard them mis-pronounce the word so many times…
Anyhow, these are the most popular epithets used by the so-called ‘left’….those who classify themselves as progressive and liberal, neither of which they actually seem to be..I hear them on almost a daily basis, along with deplorable…I’m pretty sure that those progressives wouldn’t have come up with the word ‘deplorable’ if they hadn’t heard Hillary use it…and to be honest, she did say that only about half of Trumps supporters are deplorable, not sure what she thinks about the rest of us…them….I’m not sure how to classify myself tho’ if I’m not deplorable, I’m on the verge…I think it has more to do with age than anything else but I’ve been wrong about so many things in my life that being deplorable is not something that I intend to fret about….or is it fret over…six of one, half a dozen of the other…my Momma used to tell me not to fret about things I couldn’t do anything about…I guess us Deplorables could tell the anti-Trumpers not to fret about it but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t listen…
Mostly, I just shake my head ’n go on but sometimes I just can’t keep myself from muttering “Idiot!” So, okay, maybe I don’t mutter that word…maybe I say it out loud and repeatedly for all the world to hear…and then those on the left accuse me of calling them names…I tell them I didn’t call them a name, I just gave them a diagnosis…
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