“I grow old.....I grow old....
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.”
Frazzled am I....wore pert near down to a nubbin....’n not becuz I done so awful much t’day...I didn’t....but what I did do wuz to get up two hours earlier than usual, spend the whole durn morning wand’ring ‘round ‘n about a medical facility......sound like fun? T’weren’t!
Got my eyes dilated ‘n photographed ‘n bright lights in ‘em for about an hour.....’n then, ‘n then I got to pay for a cup of leftover coffee ‘n then, 'n then spend two hours give or take for the Bird with the broken wing to meet ‘n greet with a physical therapist....came away from that, at least, with sum good nooze.....SHE’S GONNA BE ABLE TO DRIVE HERSELF....
A quick lunch at home, walk da boyz, ‘n off to our main financial institution to check on our ‘fallen arches’....after that, Wow! A trip to Costco for dog food.....dang dem boyz anyways.....then home again, home again, jiggety-jog.....all that runnin’ around with petrol priced at $3.25 a gallon (give or take)....’n sonuvagun, just in time to walk da boyz again....I remember when I use’ta do a lot of different, fun stuff to get this tired....I'm thinkin' early nite.....(yawnnnnnn)....
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