Millyrose 'n I spent a mostly enjoyable last nite of 2010 watching old movies....we saw an ad from Round Table for their 'new' Artisan Pizza...sounded good so me 'n da boyz fired up the Matrix 'n pedaled down the street 'n shortly thereafter, we arrived back at the snuggery with two boxes of Artisan Pizza...that old standby, pepperoni for me 'n a vegetarian for Millyrose....I'm sad to report that Round Table fell on their proverbial butts with the Artisan Pizza which after only a few bites was relegated to the garbage which I immediately removed out of fear that da boyz might somehow find their way to it 'n I had no wish or desire to spend the last day of 2010 cleaning up dog vomit.....
Anyways, as a plug to Cary Heather, the frozen false teeth worked quite well with my room temp diet Coke....
All in all, it was a most pleasant New Years Eve even tho' I'd much rather be sleeping in this morning......
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 'n remember....lots of fluids, a little aspirin 'n bed rest on this first day of....well, homilie, homilie....
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