“I use’ta be indecisive, now I”m not sure.”
Durned if I didn’t go ‘n get m’self a summons to jury duty this last week of June...didn’t have to show up on Monday...didn’t have to show up on Tuesday...didn’t have to show up on Wednesday...tho’t for a moment that I wuz gonna escape the whole thing but to quote Al Pacino in Scarface (?) “Just when I think I’m out, they pull me right back in.”....leastwise, I think that’s the quote, or may be the quote, or sumthin like the quote....
Well, right off the bat, so to speak, we were all cautioned not to tweet or fb or blog or communicate anything to anybody about the darned trial...
Now, Gawd knows I’m a law-abiding citizen so I ain’t gonna say a thing about what this p’ticklar jury is gonna sit in judgement on...I ain’t even gonna remark on the fashion sense of some of the attorneys I saw parading the hallowed halls of Sacotomato Justice...'cause given the current state of my own fashion choices, quoting Dana Carvey or maybe George Herbert Walker Bush, it just wudn’t be prudent on my part...I had intended to show up for jury duty in my usual summer attire of shorts, tee shirt ‘n sandals but it seems they have a dress code forbidding shorts...at least for jurors cuz I saw several of what wuz prob’ly defendants in various stages of what c’n only be described as ‘dishabille’ (noun: the state of being only partly or scantily clothed)...
they also have a sign stating that one must remove hats ‘n sunglasses before entering a courtroom...’course, banks have that p’ticklar sign posted also these daze...
Anyway, as the day wore on ‘n they waded thru the group of jurors that I wuz in, I began to think that they wud shurely get their jury picked without me ‘n they’d be telling me to pack it in ‘n go back to Ol Fair Oaks...didn’t happen...it took ‘em all day but they got me in the end ‘n I gotta go back..
Well, Happy Fourth of July to ever’one anyway.....
“A question that sumtimes drives me hazy;
am I or are the others crazy?”