“Alcohol don’t solve any problems but then, neither does milk.”
The Casey Anthony murder trial is all over the nooze...ever’ durn channel ‘cept maybe the shopping channel ‘n far’s I know, it might be on there....
Mostly, I ain’t got nuthin’ ag’in a good murder trial...I recall when O.J. got acquitted ‘cuz the glove didn’t fit...
‘course, everyone knows that if you get a leather glove wet ‘n then let it dry for a couple months, the glove just naturally shrinks but ‘way back then, whites wanted to hang him ‘n blacks wanted to set him free...race is a big thing in this country...in the long run however, old O.J. done hisownself in...
Things ain’t changed a whole lot over the years...we are still a racially divided country altho’ almost everyone (about 90% or thereabouts) seems to voice the opinion that we shouldn’t ought’a be ‘n if that many people don’t want the divide, it’s hard to understand why we’re still divided...I got an e-mail t’other day that stated, “If you voted for Obama to prove you weren’t racist last time, this time you’ll need to vote against him to prove you ain’t an idiot.”
I can’t claim to be part of that group since I voted for McCain last time...I saw where a reporter asked Haley Barbour if he could support Sarah Palin for President ‘n he said he could if she were running against Obama...I’m pretty sure most republicans feel that way, but you gotta wonder how the independents feel about it.....
The other big story in the media seems t’be Weiners weiner altho’ by all accounts, it’s no big deal...
Well, s’long as we got ourselves a murder trial ‘n a sex scancal, we c’n forget for a moment the state of the economy, the turmoil in the middle East, ‘n the unpredictable weather...
“There’s lots of folks that are alive only becuz it’s illegal to shoot them.”
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