"Help a man when he's in trouble 'n he'll remember you when he's in trouble again."
Kind'a hard to believe that I spend a whole afternoon watching golf...beats watching paint dry but only 'cuz the scenery is better...it was a runaway for Rory MacElroy, the young Irishman who blew the lead at Augusta....not this time, however 'cuz he led from the beginning...the only other time that I've ever watched the U.S.Open was in the movie 'Tin Cup' where Costner played a golfer named Roy MacAvoy...same scenery!
Before watching the grass grow at the U.S.Open, I watched Jon Stewart being interviewed by Chris Wallace...Wallace accused him of being a partisan shill for the liberal left...Stewart reminded him that he was a comedian 'n then quoted Will Rogers 'n said, "It's a sad state of affairs when people take comedians seriously 'n believe that their politicians are jokes." The stuff that politicians do has really serious effects on regular people but only the seriously naive believe that what comes out of any political mouth bears any resemblance to the truth...
Fired up the motorcoach t'day 'n cleaned on it a little bit...lots more t'do before taking a trip...gonna have to put some fuel in also....hope I c'n do that without taking out a home loan...I try to stay from lenders...I figger they're in the same order as skunks 'n it's always a good idea to keep skunks 'n bankers at a distance....
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