How US negotiators ensured landmark Paris climate deal was Republican-proof…
I don’t know if democrats believe climate change (global warming) or republicans are the greatest threat to the world…they obviously don’t think Radical Islamic Extremists that spend their days raping and murdering in the name of Allah are much of a threat…’Swiftboat John’ Kerry, the Obama nominee for Lackey of the year (shown above) cuts a fine figure, posing for the cameras…I believe he even got some of his famous hair cut back a trifle…(I think trifle is a really good word to describe John Kerry who, by the by, is not Irish despite the name)...
After the perceived ‘success’ of The Climate Change summit, the global warming Henny Penny’s of the world are out in force again…Their mantra, their version of ‘The sky is falling…”Last year was the hottest year on record and next year is forecast to be even hotter.”
Away back when Al Goracle figured out that he could get even richer by screaming ‘Fire’ in the crowded theater of our little blue planet, he (and the ubiquitous they) called it ‘Global Warming’…when that book didn’t sell, they changed the title to ‘Climate Change’ and, lo ’n behold, they had a best-seller…of course, climate change is for real, the weather changes constantly, moment by moment and we had gone for millenia with lots of people complaining but as Twain ’n Rogers ’n even Justin Other Smith, pointing out, “No one ever does anything about it.”…Most of humanity is so concerned with just getting through the day that they (we) are content (most of the time) with leaving the Big Picture to those individuals who truly want to be seen as the leaders of the grand parade…(doesn’t really matter if they actually lead only that they get to be in front so that those on the sidelines will see them as leaders)…Now those who love to march at the front of the grand parade are telling us that fossil fuels are the key to ‘controlling’ the weather…t’ain’t true, of course, but you can fool all of the people some of the time...a little confusing but, to each his own, I guess...

Whether you call it Progressive liberalism or Social Democracy or just plain old Karl Marx Communism, they, now calling themselves Progressive Liberals, learned early to never, never, never stray from the playbook…AA (alcoholics anonymous) has what they term ‘a program’…they tell members that it isn’t necessary to actually believe in their talking points but, if they will only follow The Twelve Steps, they will work for them and that old devil ‘Booze’ will be defeated…and it works…over and over again and again…’becuz Mr.Booze is damn persistent, sort’a like liberals...
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