T’ain’t like rain back in the ‘states where God opens the nozzle wide ’n soaks ever’thing…No sir, out here in the Golden State, it’s more of a fine spray, a cold wind-driven piercing, needle-like spray…(Willy don’t care)…
So, we started out as per usual, Willy with his tail curled over his backside, running from one side of the street to the other, looking, I presume, for the smells that aren’t there this 2nd morning of rain…when we got to the park, the pit bull that lives therein (fortunately accompanied by his owner who also seems to live in the park) took umbrage at Willy this morning ’n lunged to the length of his leash (tethered, thank goodness) ’n scared the crap out of little Willy…so much so that, shortly thereafter, we had to make two pit stops…after that, Willy shook it off ’n we proceeded to the barbershop where he got two treats this day…Jon the barber expressed a little surprise that we were out on such a blustery day but I pointed out that Willy just doesn’t care…
Anyhow, Christmas is drawing ever more nigh…people (she who must be obeyed, among ‘em) are rushing hither ’n yon…
Hither ’n yon are two words you almost never hear except late in December but they do go together well….sort of like horse ’n carriage ’n love ’n marriage…anyway, t’is a good day to hunker down ’n have another cup of coffee….
1 comment:
Love it Dave. I could see your story as well as read it. This my first time reading the blog. I like it:) Hugs, Jeannie Louie
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