I can’t stand either of the Clintons…maybe I should say any of them because I don’t like the daughter or her husband either…they are corrupt nightmares that, in olden days, would have been tarred and feathered and ran out of town on rails…
That said, the kindest thing I c’n say about Donald Trump is that he’s the biggest damn monkey wrench that could possibly be thrown into the mess of vipers that, in our collective wisdom, we have elected to represent us in Washington, D.C.
That ‘shining city on the hill’ was meant to be a beacon of democracy to the entire world....it seems to have morphed into an emblem of excess and waste, an example of what should be avoided. I don’t know who’s going to win this election but I think whether Trump is elected or not, he’s the spark that portends a revolution…
We need to take our political system apart and put it back together again…the changes that must be made are relatively simple, I think….we need to get rid of all the REALLY GREAT IDEAS FOR A BETTER AMERICA that have been forced upon us, the people, by the power hungry representatives that have been gorging on the goose that laid all the golden eggs…..
It’s time that we held our representative responsible for their actions…it’s time that we take steps to get the profit out of ‘public serviee’ and return it to its original form…it’s time for term limits, not only on the President but on Congress as well….it’s time to take away the lavish pensions that they voted themselves…they should live and work under the same umbrella as all the rest of working America…
Sounds pretty good, don’t it? Is it gonna happen? Well, anything is possible even if it ain’t probable so a boy can dream, can’t he?
Ms Fannie Williams, my fearsome teacher in 3rd and 4th grades at South Portsmouth School told my parents that one of my troubles was that I was just a dreamer and would never amount to anything of consequence….(I didn’t believe her but by her standards, I guess she was right)…
Martin Luther King said he ‘had a dream’…too bad it seems to have fallen upon the deaf ears of the Progressive Liberals….
Anyhow….here in northern California, it is an absolutely gorgeous day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, all the damn chickens are fat and sassy, I keep telling people to think ‘dumplings’ but no one listens..
Willy and I had a long walk this morning and he’s curled up asleep…dogs seem to have a very low threshold for happiness…food, water, walks, poop ’n pee wherever they like and nap wherever and whenever….
My phone keeps ringing…from a toll-free number and the recording starts, “Today is an important day…..” That’s when I hang up, not because I disagree with her, today is an important day…not for the same reason, howsumever….today is an important day because the sun is shining, a balmy breeze is blowing, birds are singing and my wife and I and our children are all on the green side of the sod…it’s an important day because it’s a day that God made for us…
Hope you enjoy yours…..Justin Other Smith
1 comment:
Enjoy you blogs very much but this one is especially good and so very true. God bless you and your family. This country needs a miracle, guess we will see tomorrow. 💤💤
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