Crestline Avenue ain’t much of an avenue seeing as how it’s only two blocks long and they’re short blocks at that and one of them is basically an alley with no homes or business’….
That said, neighbor Doug ’n myself often refer to the block where we live as ‘upper Crestline ‘and ‘lower Crestline’ ’n it just so happens that I live on the cusp..
Which ain’t got a durn thing to do with much of anything…
On our little street, we have feral cats and feral chickens and one guinea hea…’n one of the chickens is a naked redneck (dunno if he’s a Trump supporter or not)…
So I been telling people that the redneck chicken is actually a Turken, a hybrid….half chicken ’n have domestic turkey…

Y’know, I’m always a little surprised when people believe some of the stories that I tell…this Turken is just an example…I told a story about my Father and an oversize rooster that he told me about….I called it ‘Woodrow ’n the Super Chicken’ and when people ask me if it’s a true story, I tell them that I only repeated what had been told to me as the gospel truth….either that or I tell them that it’s all true give or take a lie or two…
I have a friend, Nick by name, a retired cop…after his retirement from a fairly major police force here in northern California, he became a college teacher where he taught Criminology…Nick has led a pretty interesting life ’n told me some true stories…not terribly interesting, but true…I told him about the time Cousin Ballard borrowed my Grandpa’s mule to deliver the mail out on Beauty Ridge and got stuck in the mud for three days…he asked me if it was true ’n I told as far as I knew, that I was only repeating what Cousin Ballard had told me…..’course, I guess you had to know Cousin Ballard….
Anyhow, we have a genuien Turken living on Crestline…fortunately, he lives closer to Doug than to me….
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