I’m hoping that none of my old valley oaks come down…wudn’t be surprised if small branches do…the already are…’n I got a sycamore that I worry about from time to time…
Stood on my side porch staring at my fav’rite orange tree ‘ n hope that it doesn’t decide to give up and lay down…ground is so soft from all the rain ’n the wind is so strong ’n that southern exposure is harsh…’n the foliage on the orange tree is thick…
I answered the telephone earlier this evening ’n a voice out of the past asked me if this was the person who loved to vent so much on facebook?
I had to admit it’s true…I hate to admit that it’s true…I’ve never in my life seen such a year that so lent itself to political venting…from both sides ’n down the middle…idiots, all of them…’n no let up in sight…
One good thing tonite, at least for conservatives, Obama is giving his Final Speech, His Farewell Address…’course, it ain’t gonna be his final say on anything, he’s a young man ’n he’s gonna be around for a long time ’n I’m pretty durn sure that nobody is going to be able to shut him up…
Anyhow, I ain’t gonna listen to his speech…I think I’ve already heard everything he has to say…well, I mean he basically says the same thing over ’n over ’n over ’n …you get the drift…’n if you’re a conservative at all, you agree with me…if you ain’t a conservative, if you’re one of those commie or commie symphs, you might even shed a tear as his leaving…that’s okay, there’ll be enough of us cheering his exit that he may think he’ll need to take an extra bow…he prob’ly will anyway, he’s been awful good at thinking it’s all about him…
Anyhow, I like the Dylan song, ‘Blowin’ in the wind’…I like a lot of his songs ’n didn’t really mind that scratchy sound that comes out of his larnyx…I figgered, what the hell, I can sing as well as Bob Dylan…the whole durn world c’n sing as well as Bob Dylan…
I like forties music ’n today I was listening to a tune called ‘The Twelfth St Rag’ ’n dancing (well, trying to dance) to it…it went on so long I ran out of breath ’n had to sit down but while I was sitting, I continued to tap my feet, both of ‘em…
My Grandmother Smith would drag me ’n Grandpa to church wherever she felt she should go…we went to all the churches…my Grandmother like to spread it around…I liked the music ’n would try to sing along but my Grandfather would sit there in he blue go to meeting suit, his hightop kid leather shoes ’n tap his foot to the music…only one foot, mind you…
Old men use’ta wear black or dark blue suits, often with a vest, always with a tie…usually a soft black rolled brim hat ’n those wonderfully soft, black kid leather hightop shoes…I think when I was a boy, I was looking forward to getting old so I could dress like that…but, as Dylan said, the times, they are a-changing ’n old men don’t dress like that anymore…
“O, for the days of the Kerry dancing, O, for the lilt of the pipers tune, ’n O those warm nights of romancing, gone, alas, like my youth, too soon…”
Have a good evening, Justin Other Smith
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