Out Xmas tree has blinking lites, white ’n colored, cuz that’s what Millyrose wanted…we leave our trees up ’til Old Christmas…if you don’t know what Old Christmas is, look it up…
It’s a quiet nite, I fixed dinner…you know it’s gonna be a quiet evening when I do that…’course I cheated just a little bit….frozen breaded chicken patties, canned corn ’n cream gravy that daughter Gina made for me t’other day…(she does it so much better than me)…
I mentioned yest’iday or maybe it was the day before that a reader of mine (go figure) from England, no less, had commented on a remark I’d made about squirrels…I got to wondering becuz I don’t know most of the people who read my blog…don’t even know if they read it more ’n once or what…anyhow, if you’re one of those people, a one-timer or maybe a once in a whiler, leave me a comment…Please…I’m curious…
it doesn’t make any difference if you like what I say or agree with what I say or disagree for that matter…I’d just like to know that someone I don’t know, will more’n likely never know, is interested enough to read what an old Kentucky windy like myself has to say…
Bob Sanders, an old, old friend from Beattyville days says I can’t fool him into thinking I’m something other than a bullshitter…
Anyhow, please comment…I’d really like to hear what people think….Happy 2017, Justin Other Smith
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