The days are still long this time of year in Ol Fair Oaks...sunny ‘n warm...
Once’t in a while a solitary cloud may appear but never seems to stay around for long...prob’ly the loneliness factor altho’ I expect that it could be merely an advance scout passing over on the possibility of an early autumn...I’ve seen rain here in August...I think it was back in ‘63 but mem’ries get hazy over time ‘n hazy mem’ries get boring when you dwell on ‘em...
I just heard on the snooze-nooze that Irene is heading for New England ‘n Canada...it was a deadly storm for at least thirteen people...hard to tell now just what the final cost will be but it’s gonna be expensive...It’s been an amazing year what with the earthquakes ‘n tsunami’s ‘n hurricanes...
I know there are people who believe that God is just really pissed off at us but I don’t give that theory a lot of credence...I think maybe some people are so filled with self-importance that anything that happens in the world just has t’be about them in some way...
"You shouldn't ought'a go around thinkin' the world owes you a living. It don't. It wuz here first."
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