Making things complicated is simple. Making things simple is complicated.
Hoo boy....goin’ down the tubes...
leastways, that’s what neighbor Doug sez...”We been riding these 10 foot swells for awhile now ‘n the raft is a little beat...now, it looks like we’re gonna get some 20 foot swells ‘n there ain’t no way that we c’n ride waves that size.”.....
That’s the trubble with watching the nooze...Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal ‘n Ireland are broke ‘n going down ‘n our esteemed President (Yeah bro, I know, he ain’t your Prez but he’s ever’one else’s) wants us to bail out Greece...I ‘spect he’ll think it won’t be fair to just bail out one country so we should prob’ly tax our millionaires a little bit more ‘n bail out the rest of those impecunious countries also...
It don’t seem t’matter to the politicians that the USA is just as damn impecunious as the rest of those wunnerful western European countries...
Anyways, I’m thinking that if you’re in a free fall, it seems to speed up right before you go SPLAT!
Once’t upon a time, I had a friend who was a pioneer in flight back in the age of biplanes...one of those ‘daring young men’....he told me a story of a friend of his, a woman wing-walker, renown for her derring-do ‘n her disregard for personal danger....one day while performing at an air show, she did her stunts ‘n then leaped into space where she did a prolonged free fall to the amazement of the crowd gathered below...only problem was, when she finally pulled the ripcord on her parachute, the chute failed to open ‘n she smashed into the ground. Manning, my friend, was the first one at her side where she gasped out, “The damn chute didn’t open.”....’
It’d be a damn shame if in the history of the decline ‘n fall of the USA, it all came down to the phrase, “The damn chute didn’t open!”
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