‘Way back in the daze after high school I went fishing out on Schultz Creek with two buddies of mine...wudn’t what you’d call a whole lot of fish in Schultz Creek at that time but we didn’t really mind...we had a few sixpacks...one of us who shall remain nameless at the moment was actually old enuff to buy the stuff...anyways, as I recall, he was the one who suggested that we all go join up with the United States Air Force...now the Army would’a been 18 months ‘n the Air Force wuz a lot longer but with a few beers under out belts on a warm July day, his reasoning seemed sound enuff...who knew?
A few years later, I was hanging around South Shore with a bunch of newly released veterans (?)...it wudn’t a grand depression or even a very big recession but it was big enuff that there simply wudn’t any real jobs in the area...unable to find work ‘n as silly as it may seem now, growing somewhat tired of scraping t’gether beer money ‘n driving aimlessly ‘round ‘n about the countryside, someone suggested that we all go off to college...at the time, that seemed like a good enuff reason...who knew?
An old friend of mine asked me t’other day that if I c’d do it all over knowing what I know now, would I? In retrospect, I haven’t got the slightest idea becuz s’far as I know, ain’t nobody ever done that before...I tho’t about it for a moment ‘n finally said, “If I’d known where all the twists ‘n turns of my life were gonna take me, I’m sure I would’a done some things different...I would’a done more of some things ‘n less of others but, all in all, as roller coaster rides go, it’s been a pretty fun ride so far...’n I still ain’t figured out the ending yet but that’s what makes the whole darn thing interesting....
and in retrospect, I guess you c’d say that the nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow....
‘n if you don’t have a sense of humor, you prob’ly don’t have any sense at all...
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