Paraphrasing Freddy Nietsche, “I ain’t upset when politicians lie t’me, I’m upset that from now on, I can’t believe ‘em.”
The big nooze this morning seems t’be that unemployment is dropping...t’ain’t really so, y’know...it’s just another example of figures don’t lie but liars figure...we get a lot of that out’a our government bureaucrats...I dunno if there’s a special school for wannabe politicians where they learn to talk in circles or if maybe they’re just born thataway...
T’other day, one‘a those people who seem t’make their living just being on television asked Newt Gingrich if it wuz his opinion that Mitt Romney had told a lie about him...Newt hemmed ‘n hawed a bit as politicians do but when he wuz pressed, he said, “Yes.” And when the television person asked then if he wuz calling Mitt Romney a liar...Newt replied in the affirmative...
Then, like a bunch of 3rd graders, the media rushed in a bunch to tell Mitt that Newt had called him a liar ‘n wanted t’know what Mitt wuz gonna do about it...
Now, having found m’self in that self-same situation a number of times back in those golden years of my youth, I had to sympathize with both Newt ‘n Mitt cuz I’m purty darn sure that neither one of ‘em wanted t’get in a real honest to Gawd pissing match just for the amusement of the media people who like the color of blood s’long as it belongs to someone else...
Now, it’s been said that children ‘n fools always speak the truth. The deduction is plain...adults ‘n wise people never speak it...
None of us could live with an habitual truth-teller but thank Gawd, none of us has to...
But we do have to live with whichever one of these Presidential wannabe’s is gonna get t’be the designated David to do battle with the Democratic Goliath who seems to never ever have a problem with the truth atall...
“The rules are simple; they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying but they keep lying ‘n we keep pretending to believe ‘em.”
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