“A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.” Groucho Marx
Seems like The Chicken Whisperer has done found herself a comrade in arms, so to speak...someone to help bear the burden by helping in the purchase of chicken feed ‘n occasionally stopping by to aid ‘n abet in the dissemination of said food...
Well, that’s okay by me...I kind’a like The Chicken Whisperer...she’s got a good heart ‘n she frets ‘n worries sumthin’ fierce about the Village fowl...why, while I don’t ackshully go to the extreme of stopping ‘n tooting the car horn at the wand’ring fowl as they cross my path, I have taken to slowing down a little bit so’s they don’t bounce so high if they just happen to run into my vehicle (or vice versa as the case may be)...
‘n while I wuz taking a shower this mornin’ I got to absentmindedly thinking about the village of Ol Fair Oaks becoming a ‘Sanctuary City’ for unwanted ‘n abandoned fowl...see, there’s a bit of difference between being a sactuary city for illegal aliens ‘n being one for unwanted fowl...after all, the fowl (I’m guessing) were born in the good ol US of A ‘n have a right to exist here...I don’t think it ackshully sez anything like that in the Constitution but y’got to remember that back in those daze of yore when the Constitution wuz thought up ‘n writ down, people ev’rywhere made a purty common practice of eating fowl...chickens ‘n ducks ‘n geese ‘n pigeons ‘n most anything that’ud fly so’s there wudn’t any such thing as unwanted fowl...at least back then...
Things are different t’day...why, the snoozes-nooze is full’a stories about the return of a lonesome wolf to the mountains of northern California...’n deer ‘n wild turkeys abound just about all over the State...t’other day, there wuz a report of a mountain lion on the bike trail that lies just across the river from Ol Fair Oaks...’n we got more’n one coyote roaming ‘round ‘n about...’n the people just love ‘em to death...’less, of course, one of them critters happens to eat their pet dog or cat or as sumtimes happens, a jogger...
I swear, I think most people t’day get their ideas about wild animals from Disney movies where they seem to live an idyllic life in the romantic wild...
“A rattlesnake loose in the living room tends to end all discussion of animal rights.”
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