“In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” Mark Twain
We been havin’ whatcha might call ‘a tee shirt winter’...really confusing for the trees ‘n flowers ‘n such...’n according to the weather guy this faux Spring is going to continue...that’s okay by me since Spring is by far the nicest time of year in northern California ‘n I expect I wudn’t mind if it wuz a year-round thing...
So, me ‘n da boyz wuz walkin’ down our little street this morn (not at all sure why I say walking down when I c’d just as easy say walking up)...anyways, we stopped to talk with nabor Doug...he wuz explaining t’me that he needed t’do some pruning on a couple trees cuz ‘idle hands are the Devils workshop’...I told him he needed to work on his ‘idling’ skills ‘n p’haps he needed a rocking chair to practice in since rocking chairs are t’be considered an integral piece of equipment for any self-respeting idler...’bout that time, one of the local birds decided that nabor Doug needed some hair dressing which action prompted nabor Doug to inquire if I had a shotgun he c’d borrow...ah well, life in paradise or in this p’ticklar case, life in Ol Fair Oaks Village...
‘n speaking of the Village, our charming little hideaway seems to have an almost irresistable attraction for those hardy independent entrepreneurs who thrive on what has been termed ‘Boutique stores’...the latest of which wuz a candy store featuring more kinds of candy than a body c’d shake a stick at ‘n priced as tho’ we wuz on Rodeo Drive ‘stead of Fair Oaks Blvd....anyways, I sed ‘wuz’ because as of t’day, he has done moved on...gave up the ghost ‘n moved back to Hangtown from whence he came a few moons ago...He seemed t’be a nice fellow, enthuiastic ‘n all ‘n he tried two locations here, one across the street from the other but neither one of ‘em wuz what you might call a real good fit so we c’n color him gone ‘n that, I think, leaves us with three vacancies in beautiful downtown Ol Fair Oaks...
“Some people hear invisible voices, some see invisible people...others have no imagination at all.”
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