I have some young, younger, well maybe youngish friends that whole-heartedly (’n loudly) support the idea of ‘Free College for everyone’…when you tell them that you pretty much get what you pay for in life ’n free college would no doubt be worth every penny, the sarcasm seems to go right over their pointy little heads…
Now, they get that pointy little heads’ is an insult…Progressive Liberals are very much attuned to insults, real or imagined….especially the imaginary ones…causing them to react by calling me a bigot, a racist, a mysoginistic homophobe that thinks all women should be kept barefoot and pregnant and….well, in their proper place, of course, along with blacks and latinos. And, of course, only the Progressive Liberal really knows what the proper place for all these members of the proletariat….I’ve been told that I should just die and get out of the way….(that’s just one of the reasons that I was against that ‘Right to die’ thing that works so well in Oregon that California has to do it also…funny how those Liberals are in favor of killing babies but horrified at the idea of a murderer or rapist being executed by the State)…the death penalty only proves that conservatives have no heart and no conscience and religion (except for Islam) is simply a sop for the masses, a panacea for those of lower intellect that believe in Creationism but not Evolution…
I noticed that Gov. Jerry ‘Moonbeam’ Brown was properly horrified that Gov. Mike Pence (of that backward State, Indiana) doesn’t believe in evolution…I think Moonbeam got it wrong but evidently Liberals are allowed (in their own minds anyhow) to say or do anything to support their thesis that the world actually revolves around them…I remember the line from Orwell’s Animal House that some animals were obviously created more equal than others…which is reason enough, I suppose, for the liberal elite to believe that the proletariat (most of us) are simply incapable of thinking or doing for ourselves…Justin Other Smith
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