In the pic above, you'll see I'm drinking Mexican beer...I almost always only drink Mexican beer...I'm partial to dos Equis Ambar but I'm okay with dos Equis lager...Millyrose likes Pacifico Claro 'n so do I...I tried Victoria, which is hard to find and therefore a little pricey but it's pretty good also...Modelo Especial is alright 'n so is Modelo Negro...Tecate is not bat 'n I tried a very light beer called Sol (Millyrose liked it 'n I didn't mind it but...)...I don't like Corona...I know it's the most popular Mexican beer in the whole damn world but every bottle I've tried has been 'skunky'...it's a shame I don't like it 'cause it seems to be everywhere 'n also the cheapest but, as RR famously stated, "There you are!"
Several years ago there was a columnist, an author, who made the rounds of the various 'n sundry news and opinion shows that aboud...I c'n see her in my mind but I can't recall her name....She wrote a book called, 'Wherever you go, there you are!' I s'pect if I wuz to google that title, I could come up with her name...the title was the best part of the book....
When I was a kid, I use'ta read evervthing...I read every book in the So Ports schools libraries...and I read the novels that my mother had...some serious pot-boilers...one of them, by Rafael Sabatini, was a novel called 'Scaramouche'...it wasn't really a very good book but it had swordplay 'n intrigue 'n some romantic gush that I didn't pay a lot of attention to at the time (I was about 12 then)...The best line in the whole book was at the beginning...I don't know where Sabatini got the line but I've remembered it all these years..."He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world was man!"
Wherever he got it from, it makes perfect sense especially in our world today which seems to have gone quite mad...Much of todays politics seems to have been born in the mind of Lewis Carroll when he wrote The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland...or maybe it was Through the Looking-glass...Anyway, both Trump and Hillary seem to have come from Wonderland...It's easy to visualize Hillary as the Red Queen screaming, "Off with their heads!" And, of course, The Donald seems a perfect match for The Mad Hatter...
Ah well, you pays your money and you takes your choice, the man said...
Hope I c'n come this way again.....Justin Other Smith, August 3, 2016
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