So, yesterday evening, we had dinner at The Sizzler…lot of people putting away vast amounts of food. Well, y’know, I don’t eat out all that often, not nearly so much as Millyrose who lunches with her friends on a fairly regular basis…(some of my children were concerned that I don’t seem to have enough friends but really I just don’t like restaurant food that much).
I had a 6oz tri-tip sirloin that was better than the one I had at The Outback a few weeks ago…and the fries were also better…I couldn’t eat it all and asked for a carryout box…all restaurants have carryout boxes these days…not The Sizzler…they provided a carryout bag and since I had a piece of steak, some fries and a roll on my plate, they provided three sheets of foil so that I could wrap them all individually…
I had some banana pudding for dessert, you know the kind with vanilla wafers. I use’ta love that when I was a kid ’n it ain’t something that I’d think about asking Millyrose to fix for me these days…It wudn’t as good as that my Mother use’ta make but I think you’ll agree nothing is as good as what anybodys Mama use’ta make…
Our dinner partners were democrats so we rather assiduously (ridiculous word ’n yes, I had to check the spelling) avoided politics…I enjoy talking politics but I don’t like to feel like a bully and democrats, for the most part these days, are easy targets…notwithstanding that they believe that Trumpers are easy targets as well…
I never ever thought that I would ever describe myself as a ‘Trumper’ …I have to laugh at m’self sometimes…Trump really is a loudmouth braggart that I probably woulnd’t want to have a beer with but we’ve had a long list of Presidents that I probably wouldn’t want to have a beer with either…Obama, Bush ’n Clinton, just to name a few…I think I would have liked to have met Truman and, of course, everyone of my generation grew up thinking of FDR as an Icon. His portrait, after all, hung on the wall of every schoolhouse in America back then…back then, we really were one country…’course, we still had Jim Crow laws ’n we did round up Japanese Americans and put them in detention camps but, y’know, but to quote Joe E. Brown here, who had the last line in the movie Some like it hot…”Nobodys perfect.”
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