“If you’re the kind’a person that takes life with a grain of salt, y’should add a slice of lemon ‘n a shot of tequila.”
Ol Fair Oaks ain’t so awful big, y’know...
not nearly as large as what they euphemistically call Fair Oaks which is about five miles or so long ‘n durn near that wide tho’ the borders is kind’a ragged...it’s an unincorporated part of Sacramento County is what it is...but Ol Fair Oaks, the village itself, is only a couple blocks long altho’ it does tend to wander uphill ‘n down all the way to the river...anyways, what you’d prob’ly call the heart of Ol Fair Oaks is Plaza Park which is right downtown...downtown being kind’a built around it, don’cha see....
Now, during the summer (which starts kind’a early in the Spring ‘n extends ‘til kind’a late in the fall cuz it’s northern California y’see ‘n that’s the way our weather is) Plaza Park is home to all sorts ‘n kinds of a variety of entertainment such as the Fair Oaks Festival ‘n the Chickenfest ‘n any other money-making (hopefully) schemes that the local movers ‘n shakers c’n come up with...added to that, we have concerts in the park ‘n we have theater (theatre for the more...well, y’know who I mean cuz ever’ town has ‘em)
Anyways, seein’ as how I’m a curmugeon in training, I manage to avoid most of these entertainments (not all of ‘em, of course, I do stroll down for the occasional bbq or old car show)....but last evening, I made an exception....well, actually the exception wuz made for me by Millyrose accepting an invitation to attend a play in the park...
I ain’t gonna bore anyone with the details of the preceding dinner ‘n I don’t want to embarrass the guests by ackshully naming ‘em so I’ll get straight to the entertainment....what it wuz, wuz a musical play called, “The Great American Trailer Park Musical”....Now it sez in the playbill that it ain’t South Pacific or West Side Story ‘n it definitely wudn’t...but what it wuz, wuz fun....it wuz a show about adultery, strippers, murderous boyfriends, Costco ‘n the Ice Capades...all wrapped up in Hee Haw manner....I should’a brung a pillow (as advised by Millyrose) but I didn’t so my behind got a little.....well, tired but I sat thru the whole show ‘n clapped for the performers who pretty much got a standing ovation at the end....prob’ly as much from the hard benches as the performances but maybe not...anyways it wuz a fun evening in Ol Fair Oaks.....
“The human race has only one really effective weapon ‘n that’s is laughter.”
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