“Gettin’ old is a high price to pay for maturity.”
Stoner Hill Update.......
I guess Stoner Hill ‘s gonna have to live on only in mem’ry....’n that’s okay by me...
I’m kind’a used to the name of Crestline Avenue anyways since that’s been our address for more’n three decades...
Now, it ain’t that I got any personal animosity to marijuana ‘cuz I ain’t...I hear their arguments about how it’s not nearly as bad as booze...in many respects...but when the potheads claim that it ain’t addictive ‘n follow that claim up with the statement that they’ve been smoking it for years ‘n they ain’t addicted yet...well, it sounds like the punchline to a joke ‘n the potheads just don’t seem to get it...
I don’t want to argue with these folks...I pretty much believe in ‘live ‘n let live’...I don’t care what you do or who you do it with or how often you do or don’t do whatever it is that floats your boat, it’s just that I don’t want you doing it in my yard....whatever music you dance to is alright with me ‘slong as you don’t dance on my feet...my feet are old ‘n I’m still using ‘em ‘n you should stay the hell off of ‘em....
At any rate, the deal that wuz s’pozed to bring the pot shop to the bottom of my little hill is kaput...over...or so I’m told...
not so much due to my effort, y’understand, altho’ I did voice my opinion ‘n had a little say in the matter...I gotta give credit where credit is due ‘n the credit for blocking the pot shop has t’go to neighbor Doug who wuz the clarion voice of the neighborhood in this matter....I’m thinkin’ of runnin’ him for Mayor of Fair Oaks next year....
“Criticism ain’t always agreeable but it’s necessary. Like pain, it calls attention to a unhealthy condition.”
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