No one has more driving ambition than the boy who wants to buy a car....
On my sixteenth birthday, I skipped school ‘n my dad took me to Greenup to get my drivers license...It wuz a ‘big deal’ back in the ‘50’s and you had t’go to the County seat to get one...when my father got his first license, they weren’t required at all but he wanted one...He sent off to Frankfort for it...cost him a quarter...he never said how many boxtops...
My first car was a blue ‘47 Plymouth coupe...I ‘bout wore it out in four ‘n a half months but it wuz a wonderful thing ‘n the closest I ever got to that p’ticklar feeling again wuz when I bought my first new car...a ‘64 Ford Mustang...’course, I wuz a lot cooler when I picked up the Mustang ‘n drove it home....at least on the outside..
I don’t think kids t’day feel that way about their cars but I don’t really know...
Kids t’day are awash in knowledge...it’s the tech age ‘n seems like ever’one knows durn near ever’thing....well, except for me...I’d always heard that a body gets wiser with age but seems like my ignorance knows no bounds cuz the older I get, the more I realize that I not only don’t know, I never really had a clue....
Anyways, what this is all about is that I wuz out running some errands t’day ‘n I saw a Chevy Volt (Obama-car) in the parking lot at Winco...1st time I’ve seen one on the street....not a badlooking veehickle...wudn’t buy one tho’...well, truth be told, I cudn’t buy one if I wanted it since I ain’t one of those unemployed by choice millionaires asking to have my taxes raised...y’know, one of the ways Obama c’d redistribute wealth is if reg’lar people c’d buy a car for less that 20k but millionaires had to pay at least 100k for the same veehickles....bet none of ‘em wud go for that...
Ackshully, I don’t know what the Obama car sells for...I don’t even know what kind’a price they put on the extension cords....it don’t matter, I cudn’t afford one anyways.....Heck, I c’n barely afford my 6 year old Toyota ‘n it’s paid for...
Remember; Always use your seatbelt; it ain’t nearly as confining as a wheelchair.
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