“An old drunk once told me that alcohol don’t solve any problems but then neither does milk.”
Back in that wunnerful year of 1937, the population of these here United States of America wuz just shy of 130 million people...We got more’n twice that now ‘n pundits are constantly talking about the ‘changing demographics’ of the US of A as if it were a new thing...’course, they talk about climate change the same way as tho’ previous generations didn’t even have climate to worry about...
I’m not really concerned about the changing demographics of the country
although I may be in a minority in that category...I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about climate change either as I figure there ain’t a helluva lot I c’n do about it...
Thing is, Horatio, there are more things in this old world that I can’t do anything about than otherwise so I try not to spend the daze of my dotage fretting over all the ‘big picture’ issues....
I studied French as a ‘foreign’ language all those years ago when I was considering a career as a student. Hindsight tells me that I should have studied Spanish but I was enamored of all things francaise back then in my stone age. The women. The wine. The food. The women. Especially Brigitte Bardot. Who was, in todays parlance, hot! Le Sexbomb Hot! But if you mention her name today, most of the 300 plus million inhabitants of our insular nation will develop a blank stare of incomprehension. Ah well. C’est la vie!
It’s been so long since I got out of high school that if I were Johnny Carson making that statement, my lovable sidekick ‘ud be asking, “How loooong is it?” To which I could reply, “When I graduated from high school, I went straight into the military and took my basic training at Valley Forge.”
Of course, it would help if whomever I was talking with actually knew to whom I was referring when I mention Johnny and Ed. And it’s absolutely no use at all to bring up Jack or Dave and J. Fred Muggs. It’s odd to think that in this world of quantum leap population, when you get to be a certain age, the pool of people you can relate to grows smaller with each passing moment.
And speaking of passing moments, there’s a phrase that all of us should be able to relate to for what is life but passing moments? I think there probably might be a lot of people who don’t want to be reminded of that, but you know what, their moments are passing just like yours and mine.
Makes me wonder at times if time ceases to have any relevance after death. If you believe in life after death, do you believe in time after death? Do oxymorons exist after death? Does a plethora of oxymoronic phraseology signify anything at all?
Probably not!
“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘Thank you”.....that will suffice.”
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