The reason that February is the shortest month is because ever’one wants t’get it over with as soon as possible.
I been told that you shudn’t argy over religion or politics but wherever y’go the most pop’lar argyments are always one or t’other...’n sumtimes you c’n squeeze ‘em both into a conversation without hardly trying...
In a political year, of course, politics is just about on ever’ones mind ‘specially if you happen t’have a talking job on teevee...
In the media, the term ‘Evangelical’ has come to mean the conservative right wing of the Republican Party, so for example, if you call someone an Evangelical you are, in essence, calling them not only a Republican but a zealous right-wing bigot whose main goal is the persecution of non-Christians in American society...at least, that’s what the progressive liberal leftwing zealots seem t’be sayin’...
East is east ‘n west is west ‘n Mark Twain lived east ‘n talked west...funny thing about Twain is that he wuz able to stay Sam Clemens ‘til his wife died ‘n then he became Mark Twain full-time ‘n stayed him until he died...’course, I spect that if you ackshully cared about such stuff, you prob’ly already knew that...
Politics...you can’t get away from it ‘n it has purty much taken over the nooze altogether ‘n if you read what I’ve written so far, you’ve no doubt figured out that I’m pretty durn bored with the ‘hole thing et al...Yestiday, the nooze had it that The Trump wuz gonna announce that he wuz endorsing the Newt but this morning, they say he’s gonna endorse the Mitt...I think the Donald just can’t stand to not see his own name in print...
Anywaze, the sun is shining, a leafblower is droning up the street ‘n da boyz want t’go for their first walk of the day ‘n it’s gotta be more innarestin that the nooze...
In politics, you should get your facts first then change ‘em to suit yourself.
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