“The world is mud-luscious ‘n puddle-wonderful.” e.e.cummings
In those long ago daze way back when, I worked for a company that paid us ev’ry Friday ‘n there wuz this ol boy from Oklahoma that declared ‘most every Friday that, “The eagle flies on Fridays!”...I know that as stories go, that 'un left the station long ago,
but t’day is Good Friday ‘n when da boyz ‘n I went for our morning stroll to check out the overnite happenings, the first thing we heard when we hit the street wuz what I took t’be a hawk screaming...
Now, my eyes ain’t what they use’ta be but neither is anything else ‘n none of it stops me from looking when sumthing gets my attention...at first, I tho’t I wuz seeing a pretty durn big hawk but as it got closer ‘n much larger, I realized that I wuz looking at a Golden Eagle...’n I confess that I ‘uz standing there gaping cuz they are a beautiful sight t’see...not that they’re all that unusual...there wuz a pair that came 3 or 4 years in a row but that wuz a long time ago ‘n in the meantime, my new neighbor has taken down the 3 redwood trees that they use’ta roost in...
Well, when ever’body is comin’ to Easter dinner, time flies ‘n no matter what dudn’t get done, Easter dinner happens ‘n ‘most ever’one eats too much ‘n talks too much ‘specially when the weather is just made to order for one ‘a them perfect daze...
And it wuz a good time with good food ‘n drink ‘n good company ‘n good stories...but now they’ve all gone ‘n Millyrose went off t’bed before the sun went down (ahead of the chickens) with orders to NOT wake her unless the house wuz burning down ‘n even then, I should take time for second tho’ts about it...
Me ‘n da boyz went down the street making sure that ever’thing wuz the way it’s s’pozed t’be...Nabor Doug is gonna get a little bit of a shock when I tell him that he has a really big skunk habitating in his back yard...for a moment I tho’t it wuz just one a’ the 4 or 5 black ‘n white cats that have taken up abode on our little street but a closer look assured me that it wuz, in fact, a skunk...’n prob’ly a lady skunk which means that at some point in the future, nabor Doug’ll have some little skunks to deal with as well...Skunks are pretty critters ‘n they ain’t scared of much as you might imagine ‘n they don’t move too aw’fly fast but when they put the metal to the pedal, so to speak, they waddle...had a teacher like that once’t upon a time...not gonna mention any names and’ll simply leave it up to anyone who is puzzled to figure it out on their own...
“I’ll tell’ya what puzzles me ~ if one way is better than another, why are so many people going the wrong way?”
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