“You’re doing very well, Mr. Smith. Come back in six months ‘n we’ll celebrate your five years together.”
Well, I tho’t this last appointment wuz my five year but I guess I’ll go with his calendar ‘stead of mine...Mine sez that the five years wuz up this Spring ‘cuz that wuz when I ended my chemo treatments but I suspect the Doc is a literalist ‘n to him, five years means five years ‘n they won’t be up ‘til the end of the year...
Well, that’s alright with me s’long as the cancers gone, I’m down with that!
We got some cloud cover t’day ‘n the weatherman sez we’re gonna get sum more rain...maybe...I’m down with that also ‘cuz I’m in a very agreeable mood t’day...
My new neighbor stopped by to tell me that she has the county coming by for a trash pickup ‘n that if I had anything I wanted to add to her pile that I should just jump on in...’n then she volunteered some help if I had sumthing heavy...y’just gotta appreciate good neighbors so Thanks Jen...
"The great secret that all old people share is that you haven't really changed in 70 or 80 years. Your body changes but you don't change at all. And that, of course, leads to great confusion." Doris Lessing
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