In this election year, politics is the most popular ‘reality’ show on teevee...
‘n reality shows are really popular t’day even tho’ they bear only the slightest resemblance to actual reality; ‘course, if you called them unreality shows, it’ud just be regular programming...CBS ‘ud call them sitcoms ‘n win the ratings war hands down...
All the oil on water people, the hand-wringing peaceniks, constantly warn us of the dangers of talking about religion ‘n politics ‘n suggest that we talk about the weather instead...
It appears that we have a respite from the rain ‘n that’s a good thing(stolen from Martha ‘n oft repeated w/out credit)...’specially for nabor Doug who has seemingly developed a mild case of cabin fever...
Well, Douglas lives alone, except for the catz...he use’ta be a dog guy but the dogs got old ‘n died ‘n now he’s a cat guy...’n he lacks cable teevee...’n ev’ry time he’s set out on a walk the last few daze, he barely gets around the corner before the rain cometh down ‘n it’s been comething down a lot lately, even bringing some hail with it which makes it really, really uncomfortable if you’re walking...
Fortunately for Douglas, the property next door to him is up for sale ‘n Fair Oaks properties advertised at the price of this one are rare so there’s been a lot of interest ‘n a lot of traffic so Doug has been...well, keeping a peeled eye on the situation ‘n talking to all the potential buyers...
I told him that he should get a commission if the place is sold but he sez it’ll just be nice to have somone buy it ‘n clean it up, at least keep the bamboo cut back where it encroaches on his property...
I c’n sympathize with him... encroaching bamboo is serious stuff...if left unchecked, it’ud be like the kudzu vine that ate the south...it’s especially rampant now becuz of all the rain ‘n mild temps we’ve been having (you c’n almost watch it grow)...
Doug told me that t’other nite, a big ol hen nested in the bamboo ‘n it grew so fast, it caught her in a natural cage ‘n he had to cut her out...
Recently, he’s got a big old skunk come to live in his back yard...I asked him what he wuz gonna do about it ‘n he claimed that he wuz just trying to maintain ‘friendly’ relations with it, which, given the nature of the beast is prob’ly a wise course...
“Sumtimes when y’get in a fight with a skunk, y’ cain’t tell who started it.”
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