“I’ll be with you in apple blossom time...”
I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but our neighborhood Pea Hen had an altercation with sumthin’ or sumone about 6 or 7 weeks ago ‘n ended up with a broken leg...Nabor Doug stepped in, ‘n with a few phone calls from various ‘n sundry, found some people willing to help ~ The Pea Hen wuz summarily rescued, taken away to a fowl sanctuary in the hinterlands of south Sacramento where she resided until she wuz healed...Last weekend, she wuz returned. seemingly none the worse for wear, ‘n retook her position as the most regal fowl in Ol Fair Oaks (‘course, if sumbody wuz to drop off a Pea Cock, he’d then be the most regal cuz the fowl kingdom is definitely a masculine world)...
All that aside, as we meandered thru the by-waze of The Village on our late afternoon stroll, I noticed that Apple Blossom Time has somewhat magically appeared again (as it usually duz this time of year ‘n it’s nature, not magic)...Still, lacking cherry blossoms, the apple trees try ‘n you gotta give ‘em credit for that...
Back in those golden oldies of my youth, up the schoolhouse hollow ‘n behind the school ‘n bordering the field that passed for a playground, there were a number (I forget how many) of crab apple trees...crab apples are great for throwing ‘n make pretty good jelly but they sure make for a pretty sight in the Spring when they bloom ‘n that seems t’me to be enuff reason for their existence...we got some blooming crab apples out here but they are fruitless ‘n purely ornamental ‘n that’s still enuff reason for their existence ‘specially since we’re a neighborhood devoid of raggedy-ass kidz looking for a crab aopple fight....
My brothers ‘n I use’ta tease our youngest brother, Bill, by reciting:
“My Mother named me William,
My Daddy calls me Will,
But my brothers ‘n their friends
All call me Raggedy-Ass Bill!”
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