“Atheism is a non-prophet organisation.”
Dunno why some Atheists want to protest Easter...I realize that some religious nutz tend to become a little unhinged if you tell 'em that there are people in this world that maybe don’t agree with whatever it is that they have focused on (kind’a like the so-called ‘liberal thinkers’ among us)...fortunately, most religious nutz are wrapped so tightly in their own cocoon that they tend not to notice the rest of the world too often....’course, then you got your exceptions as ev’ry rule seems t’have....like your Westboro Baptists, f’rinstance
or most Muslims....the Muslims are exceptional in that they are the only religion(?) that actively preaches ‘Death to the heretics (non-believers’ for you heretics).... Mohammed taught his followers to spread ‘his’ religion with ‘Fire ‘n Sword’...but in this modern age, they are the only religion that continues with that p’ticklar practice....a few hundred years ago, the Catholic Church pretty much preached that also....’n practiced what they preached by means of ‘The Inquisition’....
I think maybe that was a pretty standard modus operanda for most state-sanctioned religions...When the Romans gave up on feeding Christians to the lions (maybe they were running short of lions) ‘n decided to baptize the known world with fire ‘n brimstone, it didn’t take too awful long to convince most people that conversion was indeed the better part of valor....
Anyways, it’s all pretty much water under the bridge now (except in Texas where they have a Texas-sized drought situation)....’n tomorra is Easter Sunday, the holiest day in the Christian religion where Christians celebrate the re-birth of Christ ‘n children celebrate the Easter Bunny.....
Unsurprisingly, in this secular age, there are many young adults who don’t understand the significance of Easter ‘n haven’t a clue as to how the Easter Bunny came to be...par exemple, the idiotic teacher in the northwest who wanted to refer to Easter eggs as Spring Spheres.....that’s enuff to make even an atheist cry out for Gawd’s sake.....
Oh....Happy Easter!
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