If you are s’pozed to learn from your mistakes, then why do some people have more’n one child?
So the haps here on Crestline is our new neighbor is cutting trees....three sick ‘n tired old Redwoods ‘n one big old Valley Oak that’s over 100 inches in circumference....’course, he assured me that he had a permit to take all the trees down ‘n for his sake, I hope he does ‘cause cutting down a heritage Valley oak without a permit can get really expensive....he’s cleaned out a lot of brush ‘n shrubs ‘n some smaller trees ‘n opened up the back of the property so’s we all get an increase in traffic noise from Sunrise.....the poor old house is in sad shape...
the previous owner had it as a rental for a long time but the last tenant was a couple years ago ‘n after he left, well the place just set empty ‘n forlorn ‘n forlorn houses don’t do well....it was built the same time as our tired old manse (1900) ‘n I s’pect it could be refurbished if a body was to put a lot of money ‘n effort into it....’course now that’s a pretty standard saying among people who look at old houses....”Y’know” musing to oneself, “that c’d be a really nice place if I was to put some money ‘n work into it.” I know that’s true becuz that’s exactly what Millyrose ‘n I said when we bought this old moneypit...’n it’s still true t’day, thirty-some years later.....this ‘ud be a nice place if someone was to put some money ‘n work into it....ah well, you know what the song said, “Fools rush in where wise men never go but wise men never fall in love so how are they to know.....”
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