I ‘uz just thinkin’ that our current crop of politicians just keep proving over ‘n over that the biggest troublemaker the average person’ll ever have to deal with shows up in the mirror ever’ morning....
So the Backyard Rooster, more commonly known at the present time as MacFail (for reasons I’m not going to ‘splain so don ‘t ask) tried after a couple months of his hermit-like existence in the Smith south forty to move out into the world...See, loneliness drives all Gawd’s critters to desperate measures...I figger MacFail wuz someone’s pet rooster ‘n like so many other denizens of the mean streets of Ol Fair Oaks, for whatever reason wuz dropped off t’make his own way in the world...My best guess is that he wuz a socialble cuss ‘n used to being the Cock o’ the walk where he lived before ‘n his entitlement attitude got his butt kicked by the current tenants so he took refuge in our backyard...which brings us up to the present time...’bout two weeks or so ago, MacFail ventured out of the yard ‘n across the street to mingle with the half dozen or chickens that one of my naive neighbors has been feeding...Now in the meantime, another new rooster has come to Crestline...I’m pretty sure he came along with out new human neighbors....he’s a tall, range, lean, mean fighting machine that I’ve named Bad Man Jose Jose...’n Bad Man Jose Jose is the current Cock o’ the walk on Crestline...’n he whaled the tar out’a MacFail, tore out most of his tail feathers ‘n played a mean tune on his chicken head whereupon MacFail retreated to our backyard again.....I don’t know how long Bad Man Jose Jose’ll be able to reign as King Cock...it’s an old human aphorism that ‘them as live by the sword, die by the sword’ ‘n uneasy lies the head that wears the crown...
‘course, much like their human counterparts, the average chicken just tries not to attract the attention of the King Cock whoever he might be...I mean, it’s hard enuff just trying to scratch out a living off the land..even in idyllic Ol Fair Oaks....
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