Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination at all...
Cokie Roberts 'n her husband, Mr. Whatever Roberts were on teevee this weekend....nuthin' at all remarkable about that, they're on teevee purty darn reg'lar...after all is said 'n done, that's how they 'earn' their daily bread...anyways, once't upon a time, I was under the impression that she was fairly bright 'n had a decent education until I heard Mr. Whatever Roberts say that 'Muslim' was a conservative code word for (gasp) N####r...'n she agreed with him....Now, I don't know about everybody else...I swear to Gawd that I absolutely don't know about anybody else, I have enuff trubble trying to figger out my own place in this world 'n I'm running out of time t'do that....But, I gotta say that I'm really, really, really tired of so-called Liberals (a misnomer if there ever was one) infusing racism into ever' damn thing under the sun that they don't happen to agree with...Democrats have this one playbook that sez, "Divide 'n conquer!" And it's always class warfare with them...well, class warfare 'n race warfare....the 'have's against the 'have-nots'...that's why they come up with nonsense like if you're black 'n a republican, you must be an Uncle Tom...if you're Latino 'n a republican, you're a traitor to your class ' n if you're poor 'n a republican, you're too dumb for your own good...Ah well, if you ain't got a sense of humor, you prob'ly ain't got no sense at all.....
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