Don’cha just love it when someone tells you, “Let’s just agree to disagree.” Ain’t that just another way of saying, “You’re entirely too stupid to understand plain english ‘n I’m tired of talking to you.”
I swear t’goodness, I do love bumper stickers...
only trouble is my eyesight ain’t what it use’ta be..
I recall when I was a boy we use’ta watch the steamboats comin’ up the river...there was a big old curve in the Ohio just downriver from our little village ‘n you saw the barges first ‘n then the top of the steamboat....gen’elly the name was painted in bold letters d’rectly below the pilot house ‘n it was sort of a game among us as to who could read the name first ‘n farthest away....t’day, I expect I’d have to be right on top of it ‘n still need my specs.....
I tho’t for a short while that the bumper sticker folks was just printing them smaller but I got disabused of that notion early on....grandkids are pitiless about stuff like that....as time wore on I found that the newspapers were using smaller ‘n smaller print ‘n ‘specially on the comix which I’m pretty sure they made smaller in order to save money on the colored ink....now I’ve got to the point where mostly I read the comix on the computer where I can zoom in ‘n make ‘em as large as I need ‘em to be.....funny thing is newspapers use’ta be much larger than they are t’day but the print was smaller back then...I don’t know why that is but it’s so....I get a kick out of old movies where someone is reading a daily paper ‘n it’s easily twice the size of todays snooze nooze...’course, the SacBee has been on one of them slippery slopes for several years now...ever since they ran the Sacramento Union out of business...the McClatchey organisation has run a lot of smaller ‘papers out of business all around the country ‘n now they’re crying poor mouth because they’re losing circulat ion....go figure.....
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