"Humans are the only critters able to behave irrantionally in the name of reason." A. Montagu
Looooooooooooooonnnnnng weekend! 'n hot! 'n no power hookup so hadda run the durn generator almost all the time....well, they wudn't let me run it between 10PM ' n 7AM....park rules, doncha know...howsumever, heat 'n dust 'n coin-op showers be darned, it was a purty good time as times go 'n as times go, it went 'n we're home again...I went 'round 'n round with AT&T...'bout an hour, maybe a little more, 'n three diff'runt people cuz since we went wireless here, AT&T dudn't want to recognize my IP address....'n even tho I'm now on the 'net again, I keep getting a message that sez, "Sorry, you are not connected.".....'n now that I've had a chance to think about it, that just might be the story of my life 'n I just didn't know it....
Anyways....jury dooty t'morra....prob'ly a good thing that it ain't a death penalty case cuz I ain't feeling all that charitable on this hot afternoon.....
'n remember while celebrating the Fourth, don't drink 'n drive cuz you might hit a bump 'n spill something......
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