“If you don’t take the money, they can’t tell you what to do.”
Ahhhh.....a quiet Sunday morn here in Ol Fair Oaks...a few roosters crowing off in the distance, the pack of dogs across the street must be sleeping in or maybe, more likely, there hasn’t been any foot traffic on our little street to liven up their day...s’hot all across this fair country of ours, so hot that exhaustion sets in ‘n ever’body is just too blamed tired to argue much about anything...(on a side note, when tempers do flare in these temps, people do tend to kill each other...just sayin’)...All them p’litical folks on Capital Hill have air conditioning ‘n worker bees to bring them iced coffee (or whatever) so they can continue their schoolboy arguing....(did too....did not)...I spec’t they’re so wrapped up in themselves ‘n their little worlds that they don’t realize how utterly stupid they appear in the eyes of those of us who actually have to live in the real world....I mean, it’s a pretty simple issue for durn near everyone...however much money y’got coming in ev’ry month pretty much determines how much money you get to spend ev’ry month ‘n if you run out of money before you run out of month....well, welcome to the real world....
In the real world, people make do...
if they can’t afford a new car, they fix the old one ‘n make it last ‘n if if don’t last, they ride the bus or walk or whatever it takes to get around....sure, they may cry ‘n complain about it but since they live in the real world where there ain’t no goose laying golden eggs, they get by...
In the real world, when the evil bankers foreclose on your home, you live in your car ‘n if they take your car, you steal a shopping cart ‘n live on the street ‘n you don’t even get to watch the teevee arguments about taxing the rich to pay for your cart....
In the real world, when you get old you die ‘n it just doesn’t matter who pays or doesn’t pay for your medication ‘n it don’t have a damn thing to do with dignity...
I could go on ‘n on in this p’ticklar vein but I’m already bored with it m’self ‘n I’m sure you are too (also?)
Anyway, I’ve finished my coffee ‘n finished that excuse for a Sunday paper that the SacBee has become ‘n it’ud seem that I’ve finished this quiet Sunday morning rant...
Relax, stay cool...’n remember, you c’n be miserable or not...it’s your choice.....
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