“I’m pretty sure that there are a lot of people t’day that are alive only becuz it’s illegal to shoot them.”
So I tho’t all morning long that t’day was Satiday...
Flabbergasted t’ find out that it wuz still Friday.....not quite sure how that happened, losing a day like that, ‘specially a day like Friday cuz, y’know,Fridays are important daze...well, the younger y’are, the more important they are...they become less important the older you get ‘n the longer a body goes without a job...after awhile, one day kind’a blends into another to the point where y’need some outside stimuli t’know the difference between a weekday ‘n a weekend day....y’know, one ‘a them talking heads ranting about a major holiday ‘n what gas prices are gonna be ‘n where the cheapest gas is... most of the time, that’s enuff to make you check the calendar ‘n scratch your head wond’ring where the time went ‘n how’d it get t’be July anyway ‘n next thing y’know, July is gone ‘n the dog daze of August are upon us...I swear, time flies whether you have fun or not....
T’other day, I was sitting around the courthouse with a few of my fellow draftees...we’d been ‘instructed’ that we were NOT to talk about the case we were listening to ‘n since that wuz durn near the only thing we had in common, it tended to put a damper on the conversation ‘n as ever’body knows, I ain’t much of a one for damp conversations ‘n being the oldest in the group I felt it incumbent to generate some noise...
we talked about cars ‘n motorcycles ‘n jobs ‘n we talked about the lack of jobs ‘n somewhat about the current recession...I tried to stay away from politics ‘n was almost successful ‘til I mentioned that we were a two-party country, the ‘silly’ party ‘n the ‘stoopid’ party ‘n nobody tho’t it was funny...then I told them I c’d say that because I was a confirmed libertarian ‘n I found out that liberals ‘n conservatives alike tend to discount darn near ev’rything that has a libertarian slant to it but if you’re a libertarian, you c’n damn both parties ‘n nobody gets mad about it....
“There are many definitions of stupidity; one is in believing that what you already know is enough!”
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