"There comes a time when you look in the mirror 'n you realize that what you see is all that you'll ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or, you stop looking in mirrors." Tennessee Williams
Hoo Boy....thank Gawd for the delta breezes...if we didn’t have it, Sacamenna ‘ud just be another Modesto cuz the delta breezes stop at Stockton...I use’ta spend a lot of time in the central valley back in the day...I only see it on the nooze nowadays ‘n like almost ever’where else in California, there’s a lot more people now ‘n a lot more drugs ‘n driveby shootings....driveby shooting seems to be a really popular sporting event these daze, at least here in sunny Cali...’n as ever’one knows, what happens in Cali doesn’t stay in Cali...The whole world is watching...or seems t’be ‘n I guess driveby shootings will one day be as popular in the rest of the country as it is here...’course, the main reason it began here is the average Californians love affair with the automobile (if you can’t do it in your car, it ain’t worth doing)...
On the p’litical side of things, Californians achieved semi-permanent gridlock long before the rest of the nation but it seems the federales are catching up with us...
We recycled Governor Moonbeam here ‘n I’m wondering if maybe the rest of the country might try ‘n recycle Bill Clinton...ah well to quote Sam Spade, “It’s the stuff that dreams are made of.”
"Everybody wants different, nobody wants change."
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