"If you understand, it is what it is; if you don't understand, it is still what it is."
Joory Dooty is over...got a well done from de judge 'n a handshake from the defense atty who made the claim that constructive feedback is a good thing 'n always welcome.... 'course, that's a crock.....nobody wants constructive criticism or any other kind of criticism...they only say that becuz they've been taught the value of appearing to be modest...what they really want t'do is a victory dance in the end zone 'n bragging rights that they kicked the butt of their 'esteemed' opponent.....what they should've learned in grade school is that no one actually wins in a fight.....it's only that one side loses a little less than the other side so that when someone is celebrating a 'win'....what they're actually celebrating is the fact that they didn't lose badly enough for the world to laugh at them.....Now, I wudn't allowed to talk about the case while it was ongoing 'n I've been told that I'm not allowed to sell any information about the case for 90 daze but the real truth of the matter is that no one wud be interested in the details of this somewhat tawdry affair....what it wuz wuz four persons barely out of their teens who went to a New Years Eve party 'n did what people normally do at such parties...and while on the way home in the wee hours made what is prob'ly the only sensible decision that people of that age group c'd make 'n pulled over to the side of the road 'n stopped their vehicle....what they did after stopping is open to speculation but what the police 'n the prosecution did wuz confuse what should have been basically a straightforward 'n uncomplicated case of four young people who were found on a public highway suffering the side effects of too much New Years....
Anyhow, after being called for jury duty, I actually sat on a jury rather than spend my time on the plastic chairs of the spacious 'n less than plush waiting room provided by Sacramento County..the cafeteria food sucked, the cafeteria coffee wudn't bad 'n the entire building is air-conditioned 'n relatively comfortable during our present warm daze....it wudn't bad 'n it c'd have been much worse...I had some friendly conversation with my fellow jurors'n when all is said 'n done....the goal is to exit as gracefully as possible.....
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