“Don’t worry about your heart, it’ll last you as long as you live.”
Okay! So I’m sitting at the stoplight waiting for the left turn signal to the village..on my way home from a trip to Trader Joe’s for milk ‘n such in my 6 year old Toyota Cheapster’.....can’t say I wuz thinking about much of anything it being a soft ‘n quiet Sunday afternoon when I wuz ‘wakened from my reverie by the sound of a tuned dual exhaust revving ‘n the sudden ‘n startling high pitched squeal of rubber on the roadway ‘n the sight of a buffed ‘n toned metallic blue Ferrari screaming as it roared into life, making the left turn onto Sunrise, fishtailing as the driver shifted gears...ah golden youth...no matter how old or young the driver might have been for that matter, driving like the 16 year olds of my youth....
Ah well, home again, home again, jiggety-jog.....
“Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.” W. C. Fields
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