COFFEE &....
“Timing has a lot t’do with the outcome of a rain dance.”
Woke up this morning to a rainy day...
ah well, it’s been a dry, sunny, tee-shirt winter so far...normally, we’ll get rain ‘long about the end of October ‘n it’ll alternate with dreary daze of dense fog for November, December‘& January tho’ generally in the middle of February comes a spell of faux Spring...
This’s a different kind of year tho’...one of the driest on record...they been keeping a record of the weather here in California since 1850...there’s an old whatever you want’a call it that sez about California that “the miners came in ‘49, the whores in ‘51 ‘n when they got t’gether.....” Anyways, I guess in that interim year, somebody wuz bored enuff that he decided to begin keeping track of the weather...I only wonder why he didn’t give it up in ‘51...
Anyhow, I’m so bored with interminable politics that the most innarestin thing that’s going on ‘round Ol Fair Oaks t’day is the weather...Mark Twain or Will Rogers (prob’ly both of ‘em) said, “Ever’body talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.”
Didn’t really rain much here, just enuff t’get the weeds damp or maybe dampish...I could’a prob’ly counted the raindrops on the street when me ‘n da boyz took our morning stroll but counting raindrops is only slightly more exciting than the endless presidential polls that the talking heads are constanly pointing out in their less than quiet desperation...
“and remember, you’re never too old to learn sumthin’ stupid.”
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