“The best thing you c’n do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” Longfellow
Waking up to a rainy day ain’t too awful bad...sumtimes...it all depends on your viewpoint, I guess...anyways, it’s quiet on rainy mornings with the mournful sound of the neighborhood roosters crying in vain for the sun to come up...
The little dogs are quiet also but that prob’ly has more t’do with the fact that Millyrose is still pounding her ear ‘n we ain’t...Willie has an ever hopeful gleam in his eyes that maybe the next time he goes out it won’t be raining...the look of disappointment on his face when he’s standing on the porch staring out at the raindrops is durn near priceless...’course, if he gets off the porch, he finds out that he’s pretty darn near t’being waterproof ‘n he’d be off ‘n running if I’d let him...the poodle is a little more fastidious ‘n while I don’t mind walking in a nice soft rain once’t in a while, I don’t want to do it before I have my coffee ‘n biskits...which is where I’m going now if you’ll excuse me...or even if you won’t...
‘n for my more genteel readers, Mae West (just gotta luv her) said, “Save a boyfriend for a rainy day...’n another, in case it doesn’t rain.”
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