Still February....
“No one ever says ‘it’s only a game’ when their team is winning.”
I woke up this mornin’ thinking about politics...y’just cain’t get away from it...
like the Super Bowl...it dudn’t matter whether you like football or not, there ‘uz just so much hype about it that you just got to have an opinion...’course, it may well be that your opinion is that it’s a great lot of hooey (a fav’rite word of my Mama) but there’s no denying that it generates a lot of interest...
I spoze it’s the competition thing...we humans are a competitive bunch...I’ve heard it said that may well be the reason we’re at the top of the food chain...’course, that may just well be innate vanity speaking but there’s a lot of us ‘n we’re still multiplying at an alarming rate (we may multiply ourselves into oblivion one day but that’s another story)...
Anyways, we do love competition...from childhood footraces to adult wars, winning is a big deal in our lives...
Speakin’ of the Super Bowl, I heard a guy loudly proclaim that since the ‘49er’s weren’t playing, he didn’t give a damn about the outcome...I don’t really care about football, ‘specially professional football, but I watched the last part of the game ‘n it wuz durn near riveting (means it wuz hard to look away)...I’m afraid some people’ll get so invested in their p’ticklar candidates in these preliminary p’litical races that if their candidate of choice don’t happen to prevail, why they’ll just sit home ‘n sulk when we get t’the world series of national politics...
I must confess that I have a fondness for Newt Gingrich...he’s sort’a like an American Churchill, contentious, surly at times but smart ‘n feisty ‘n most Americans do tend to root for the underdog in almost ev’ry contest...besides, he’s smarter than the average bear ‘n seems to have a fondness for pic-a-nick baskets that may have been brought by somebody else...
I’m a little puzzled by how many people seem to dislike Mitt Romney because of his success...I mean, he’s smart, good-looking in a managed kind of way ‘n he’s made a lot of money...I s’pect most of the people that complain about him are just plain jealous...he seems like a nice enuff fellow for a guy that don’t drink or smoke but I suspect growing up as a Mormon, he didn’t have the advantages that the rest of us did ‘n you can’t really blame him for sumthin’ that maybe ain’t his fault...
“Good, better, best! Best is good but better ain’t bad.”
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